Acrylic Painting

Self Portrait 2020

Setting a starting point, might be a solution for some issues. one would love to categorize his lifetime in a bareable way.

Who am I to say to you
what I am saying to you
at the door of the church
and I am but a throw of a dice
between a predator and a prey
I earned more awareness
not to be happy with my moonlit night
but to witness the massacre
I survived by chance: I was smaller than a military target
and bigger than a bee wandering among the flowers of the fence
I feared for my siblings and my father
I feared for a time made of glass
I feared for my cat and rabbit and for a magical moon,
above the high minaret of the mosque
I feared for the grapes of our vines
that suspend like the breasts of our dog …
Fear kept up with me and I continued with it
barefooted, forgetting my little memories of what I wanted
from tomorrow – there is no time for tomorrow –
I walk / haste / run / go up / go down /
I scream / bark / howl / call / wail /
I go faster / slower / fall down / slow down / dry /
I walk / fly / see / do not see / stumble /
I become yellow / green / blue / I split / break into tears /
I get thirsty / tired / hungry / I fall down / get up / run / forget /
I see / do not see / remember / hear / comprehend /
I rave / hallucinate / mumble / scream / I can not /
I groan / become insane / go astray /
I become less / more / fall down / go up / and drop /
I bleed /and I lose consciousness /

By Mahmoud Darwish
Thick layers taking over my face

and after all that, there was enough time for love and its sorrows too. It felt like I had everything through even a pandamic, I thought like I don’t have any control on how my life is turning. I painted this portrait as the end of all these, la fin. I declared my win over more than a year of depression and decades of feeling not in controll of what’s happening to me, by acceptence …